Friday, June 4, 2010


Yes I am posting for the fourth time in one Day.
This would be why I NEEDED to have a blog in the first place, a lot goes on in this brain, and I feel the need to verbally vomit it all up all over the internet.
I have, the strangest fucking dreams...
Like, other people describe their dreams, and it makes me wonder what the fuck kind of psycho am I to be dreaming about that!?

It really makes me wonder, if everyone else is just saying that they have these really bland dreams to cover up for their demented dreamscapes, and I'm the only one being honest about where my psyche takes me in my sleep.
And I don't believe that all these people just "Can't Remember" their dreams... I can't imagine that, because I remember mine so vividly, I have to remind myself that it didn't happen.

Am I the only one who wonders this? Does everyone else secretly wonder if they are the only ones with some Crazy-Ass Dimension of Weirdness hidden in their sleeping minds while they give the old song and dance routine of "My dreams are boring" or "I don't remember my dreams."

Psycho-Strange Dreams=Verbal Vomit.

Because I'm Bored and I can.
Thats Why.

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