Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Mother Reads My Blog

Out of all the people in the world who could read my blog, who does it on a regular basis?
My Mother...
She has it bookmarked as a matter of fact...
She was sneaky and didn't "Follow" it...
So I came to this discovery at the Dinner table with my family last night.
Yes, my mother dropped that bomb on me with everyone in earshot.
At least she didn't really discuss the content....
Freaky Fetish Toy Websites?
Yeah, totally dinner table conversation material.
Its a good thing I'm not blogging about my heroine addiction, and the fact that I am Elvis.
Only the weird crap I decide to hurl up in the form of somewhat functional sentences.
She was bound to discover at some point in time that I'm a freaking retarded dork with a guttermind...
Wonder where I got it from...

Because I am Bored and I Can.
Thats Why.

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