Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Greatest Discovery EVAR!

I can drink the milk straight from the carton/jug if I so choose.
Being on one's own is the shit.
I can come and go as a please, I can have my friends come and go as I please as well as long as its respectful of my roomies.
And I can drink the frigging milk straight from the source.
It really just doesn't get any better than that.
There is something disgustingly pleasing about being so unrefined and lazy as to not use a glass.
And I love the fact that Its MY milk that I BOUGHT with MY MONEY.
Everything is MINE!
I has propertiez bitches.
Yeah, owning stuff is pretty much the shit.
The downfalls however...
Having to do laundry.
Having to make dinner EVERY night... Well except when I decide that having peanutbutter on bread is a good enough solution to my hunger issues... Which is why I now religiously take a multivitamin EVERY DAY. Yay for young broke person mentality.
I forget to eat and go to sleep... Who would have though biological necessities could be forgotten...
I never have money, because it all goes to rent, gas, and groceries...
Fun stuff...

But its all worth it in the end when I get to make my roomies completely disappear by having someone come over at nearly one in the morning.... Mwuhahahahahahahahahahaha.

I love being on my own...
And yet hate it with a passion.
But I get to drink the milk from the jug.

Because I'm Bored and I Can.
Thats Why.

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